X-ray reveals SpongeBob SquarePants living in child's throat
We all know SpongeBob Squarepants lives in a pineapple down under the
sea, but he's also been spotted in a 16-month-old's throat?
Dr. Ghofran Ageely, a radiology resident at King Abdulaziz University Hospital, was shocked to find the cartoon character lodged in a young patient's chest. Looking at the X-ray, Ageely told Live Science that he "was amazed by the visible details. You can see his freckles, shoes and fingers."
Dr. Ghofran Ageely, a radiology resident at King Abdulaziz University Hospital, was shocked to find the cartoon character lodged in a young patient's chest. Looking at the X-ray, Ageely told Live Science that he "was amazed by the visible details. You can see his freckles, shoes and fingers."
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