chronic Smoker Comes Back To Live At His Own Funeral And Cries reported this bizarre story of a man who died and came back to live at his own funeral procession and was seen crying. Doctors thought had died after falling over while smoking a cigarette and he allegedly came back to life and cried at his own funeral.
Guo Liu, 45, who went through two packs of fags a day, collapsed three-months-ago while out with friends in the eastern Chinese province of Hubei. He was taken to hospital where doctors said he was suffering from severe cerebral haemorrhaging.
Pal Bo Ko, 40, said: ‘We had been having a few drinks and of course Liu was smoking when he dropped one of the cigarettes on the ground. ‘But when he bent down to pick it up he suddenly fell over the unconscious.
‘At first we thought he was fooling around as he can be a bit of a joker. But then we realised he wasn’t breathing and phoned an ambulance.’ He said Guo’s chances of survival were less than five percent. After three months Guo’s wife Qing Mai, 40, got a call from the hospital saying he had died. They were preparing to bury him when stunned family and friends heard him wheezing and then saw tears in his eyes.
He was rushed back to the hospital where stunned staff took him into intensive care. A hospital spokesman said: ‘I have never seen anything like this before. ‘He will now be kept under constant observation until he recovers fully and we will then be able to assess just how bad the brain damage is. ‘It is likely that his speech, memories and mobility will be severely affected though.’
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