ISIS Men Throws man off the roof of building for being GAY
The graphic image show the activities of the ISIS fighters as they deliberately threw a man off the roof of a building before stoning him to death for being gay. The group were masked and armed as usual as seen in many of their videos and pictures online, this time around they were on top of the building with the victim, who was apparently condemned by an Islamic court.
The images were posted on a jihadist website.
Before the man in these latest photos was thrown to his death, his killers read the 'judgement' from the Islamic court.
It read that the man should be thrown from the highest point in the city for being gay.
In a statement which accompanied the images, ISIS said "the Islamic court in Wilayet al-Furat [which refers to an area which crosses the frontier between Syria and Iraq] decided that a man who has practised sodomy must be thrown off the highest point in the city."
It said the man would also be "stoned to death," the Daily Mail reports.
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