Jim Iyke's Official Statement for his Ebola Mask stunt
Jim was not ashamed to say it on Twitter but he was definitely disappointment for him to have his team release this statement....see the post he made while in Monrovia here See more after the cut...
Jim's statement continues after the cut..
"May I humbly apologize if my comments on Ebola – based on fear – were taken out of context." The last thing I wanted to do was to alarm anyone.
My heart goes out to all the families who have been affected by the Ebola virus – those who have lost their lives or loved ones, those who are still bravely fighting the disease
and all of the communities who are battling to keep the infection under control. You are all in my prayers.
As I travel constantly across continents, most recently USA, Senegal, Liberia, Ghana, Gambia, I have been screened where and when necessary along with the other passengers and I believe it is the responsibility of every citizen to be vigilant and help contain the outbreak by following the advice of the local and international medical professionals and government officials".
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