Floyd Mayweather to Manny Pacquiao:I’m Staying Unbeaten
Fight of the century it is tagged, and fight of the century it is. The fight between Floyd ‘Money’ Mayweather and Manny ‘pac man’ Pacquiao which is slated for the second of May, is set to be the richest match and most watched in the history of boxing bouts ever fought.
Mayweather boasts a perfect 47-0 and doesn’t wish to let that change negatively. He has stressed how he wishes to extend his unbeaten run against his major rival, Pacquiao. Noting it to be his toughest fight and second to last before retiring.
“I’ve never been defeated. I don’t know what it means or feels like to lose. But once a boxer experiences that the doubt will always be in his mind,” Mayweather said.
“Everything I do is calculated. Even keeping the world waiting for this fight, which would only have been worth about $60m if we’d done it five years ago.
“The way I fight my body hasn’t taken too much hurt or damage.
“But Pacquiao is reckless. He’s been in a lot of wars. I like to excite the fans, too, but if I’d been reckless I’d have been washed up by now. And when you risk getting knocked out as brutally as he was there will be repercussions later in life, after your career ends.”
Despite the rivalry they share, Floyd was full of praises for his opponent.
“I don’t regret being flash and brash when I was young. But now I’m getting very close to the big 4-0 [he is 38] I can be more mature,” he added.
“For example, I’ve got nothing negative to say about Manny Pacquiao. He’s a good fighter. I can’t say if he will be the best I’ve faced until we fight on Saturday night. Members of our teams say things but not us. We will just fight, do our business.”
The fight is too close to call, all I can say is may the best man win.
Credits: archives
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