Top 21 Ways To Make Your Husband Love You More
1. Discover his favorite pet name and call him by that.
2. Allow him exercise his authority as the head of the family.
3. Do not challenge him when he is hurt.
4. Be silent when he is angry. You can go back to him in his sober moment with apology and explain why you behave
that way that annoyed him.
5. Be quick to say ” I am sorry dear”. Whenever you offend him, insist on his forgiveness and kiss him when he does.
6. Speak good of him before his friends and siblings.
7. Honour his mother.
8. Insist that he buys gift to his parents and so be sure that he will do same for your parents
9. Surprise him with his favorite dish especially when he has no enough money at hand
10. Do not allow maid to serve him food when you are at home, because you may lose him to them.
11. Give him warm reception with an embrace when he returns, collect his luggage and help UnCloth him.
12. Smile when u looks at him and give him occasional perks when you are out socially.
13. Praise him before your children.
14. Wash his back while he is in the tub or shower.
15. Put love note in his lunch or purse.
16. Phone and tell him that you miss him.
17. Dial his number and on hearing “hello” just tell him I love you
18. If he is a public figure or politician, gently wake him at
the early hours of the morning and romance him to the point of demand.
He will not be enticed by any other woman that day.
19. Tell him how lucky you are to have him as your husband.
20. Give him a hug for no reason.
21. Appreciate God for the Adam of your life. Implement this law that every morning your family will wake up n pray.
It brings unit. Value your husband because you may not have the second chance to love him. Pray to God to protect him.
If you practice all these, your husband will be afraid to cheat
on you, even if he does his mind will not be at rest.
If your husband is already cheating on you, begin to practice these and u will win him back
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