Exams Postponed At SICHST Makarfi, Kaduna State, As Fire Ravages Hostel
Main campus of the Shehu Idris College of Health Science and Technology in Makarfi, Kaduna State, has been shut following a fire outbreak.
The News Agency of Nigeria reports that the fire outbreak occured on Friday evening in the female hostel block B, destroying 25 rooms. Consequently, 200 students were left without accommodation.
Fortunately, no life was lost, since the incident happened at the time when student were writing their examinations.
According to college’s Provost, Musa Garba-Abdullahi, examinations have been suspended following the development, despite the fact that the first semester examination had already started. The ongoing examinations at Tudun-Wada Kaduna and Pambeguwa campuses will, however, continue.
Kaduna State’s Ministry of Health was duly informed before the closure of the college. A committee, formed from the police, SSS officers and college staff, has been set up to ascertain the cause and extent of damage from the fire, also to proffer short and long-term solutions to the problem.
The Provost aksed parents not to panic as all necessary measures had been put in place to ensure safety of all students.
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