Woman wanted in Paris attacks has left France and is now in Syria
A woman named in connection with the deadly Paris attacks that began Wednesday with an assault on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo may have left France before the attacks even began.
According to a report on Saturday in the French newspaper Le Monde, Hayat Boumeddiene, 26, left France on Jan. 2 and has by now crossed into Syria from Turkey.
French source tells @cnn the wanted suspect from one of the Paris shootings, Hayat Boumeddiene, is thought to be in Syria
— Katie Hinman (@khinman) January 10, 2015
The report cited a "highly placed" but anonymous source and could not be independently confirmed.The Wall Street Journal said that law enforcement sources had described Boumeddiene as "a dangerous individual who has trained to use firearms."
Boumeddiene is reportedly the wife of Amedy Coulibaly, who held a number of people hostage at a kosher market in eastern Paris on Friday before being killed in a shootout with French security forces. Four people died during the hostage crisis.
CNN and AFP also tweeted that sources had corroborated Boumeddiene had left the country.
Following the shooting of a police officer on Thursday in Montrouge, she was named by French authorities as a suspect. Her role in the attacks — if any — is still unclear.
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