Top 7 Ways on How to Let People Know You’re On Instagram
Social media is gradually becoming more of a job than fun as so many social networking sites keep springing up by the day and the truth is most of these platforms genuinely help you connect with past friends and business partners (like facebook) but one of the traps so many people fall into with social media is the “build it and they will come” mentality. Instagram is no different. Businesses think that if they create an account, share “quality” content, and just wait, that the clients, fans, and ideal audience will just show up. But it’s not that easy.
You need to let people know you’re on Instagram, though instagram has a way of helping every new user promote their account the moment they sign up by simply linking you to your facebook friends who are already signed up to instagram. That way you instantly get familiar faces as friends so you do not feel left out. What’s the point of being on a social if you are the only one?
So in this post I’ve put together my best suggestions for how to go about getting more friends.
#1. Website
Your website is your home. It’s where people should ultimately end up when looking to do business with you. And, therefore, your website should be complete with all the information people need to contact you and interact with you. This includes putting an icon/link to your Instagram account on your website. It’s shocking to me how often people forget this. They may have a button for Facebook and/or Twitter. But they leave out Instagram and wonder why no one knows their on Instagram. It doesn’t take much to update your website with this button – contact your web designer if you have to, but get it on there.
#2. Printed Marketing Materials
Whether it’s business cards, flyers, postcards, brochures, or any other printed materials, make sure you have some indication that you are on Instagram. It can be as simple as the Instagram camera logo or include your username. Just make sure that you’re including this information so that people at any event you attend, or person who receives your printed materials, will know that you’re on Instagram.
#3. Other Social Media Accounts
If you already have solid foundations and followings on other social media platforms, take advantage of those audiences to promote your Instagram account. Put a link to your Instagram account in a post update on your other social media sites, inviting them to come check you on Instagram. This is a really good way to tap into existing fans and customers.
#4. Hashtags
Hashtags really works like a charm in helping to increase awareness of your Instagram account. And you should totally be using this tactic. It is very easy to use just identify some key words you know or feel are associated with the image post you are about to make and take it with this symbol ‘#’ for example if you post an image with you and your dog just and you normal caption to it and tag it with this #Dog or #LoveDogs and other dog lovers around the world will easy see your picture when the search that hashtag and if you picture is lovely they will follow you instantly.
#5. In-Store Advertising
If you have a physical store location or place where customers visit, make sure that you are advertising within the store that you are on Instagram. Put up a sign in the window. Put up a card at the cash register. Put up a decal on the door. Whatever it is, make sure that you are letting people in your store know how to find you on Instagram. These people are your most ideal target audience so it is important to make sure they know how and where to find you!
#6. Vehicle Advertising
Whether you have a physical location or not, the power of vehicle advertising is very powerful. You may have company vehicles. Or you may only have your personal vehicle (even if it’s your mini-van for hauling the kids around). Think of all the places your car goes everyday. In all those places, on all those streets, don’t you think some of your target audience is out there too? You can use decals on your vehicle windows, wraps, or even side door magnets. Either way, advertising your business, and your Instagram account on your vehicle is an easy way to reach new audiences.
#7. Just Tell People
A good old conversation is also a great way to actually let people know you’re on Instagram. Yes, a real conversation. Go figure Whether it’s on the phone, via Skype, in person, or whatever, just tell people you’re on Instagram. Ideally, it should flow with the conversation at hand, not be just some random comment, but you get my point. Tell your customers. Tell your employees. Tell your business associates. Tell your leads or prospects. Tell anyone who is relevant to your business.
In all reality, this information isn’t limited to just Instagram. You should be using most of these tactics to advertise ALL of your social media accounts. The easier it is for people to find you, the more likely they will be to follow you.
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