Top 7 Things Nigerian Men Need To Understand About The Female Body
My Naija guys this is for you so sit back and take
There are certain things you MUST
and NEED to know about the female body. So as to help you avoid any
‘beef’ with the opposite sex, we’re helping you out here.
1. Women take longer to be aroused
We’re sure this comes as no surprise, but often, while men may be turned on by as little as a titillating kiss and a sexy pair of legs, women may need much longer and a little more effort. You do want her to arrive at the same height of arousal that you’re at, right? Then make sure to indulge in a little more foreplay and a lot more dirty talk (women have been scientifically reported to respond better to verbal arousal, just as men have to visual).2. They Don’t Lose Their Senses When It Is “That Time Of The Month”
Stop making jokes about these; like, seriously! It’s simply in bad taste and brushing off a girl’s genuine concerns or troubles by simply wisecracking, “Ah, it must be that time of the month, eh?” is insensitive and shows you in poor light. Treat her as a counterpart when you’re arguing, fight fair and don’t try to hit below the belt with this one! Just because a girl is on her period doesn’t mean her logic has gone haywire.3. They Cramp
It’s no rocket science! We all attended biology lessons till at least eighth grade—enough to know the changes that take place within the mechanism of a woman’s body each month. Get her a box of chocolates, a hot water bath and dunk her her favourite sitcom’s DVDs. She’ll love you for it.4. They Fart
Men fart. Women fart. It’s but natural. Get over it, men. YOU too, women! If you have a problem getting comfortable with the idea, you need to watch this.5. They Come in Different Shapes and Sizes
Never, we repeat, NEVER shame a woman, even in the course of a joke
about her physical form, shape, size, et al. It’s not cool. Yes, she’s gained a
few kilos after that mammoth wedding season blitzkrieg. Think it, don’t say it.
Don’t put undue pressure on any woman to look like a fashion magazine
6. They Like Cuddling. Period.
Not everything physical is sexual. Women like to cuddle. A lot. Remember how good it feels placing your head on her lap or embracing her out of sheer joy? Women like it too! In fact, 99 percent of battles can be won if both parties just hug it out at the end. Give her a warm embrace, let her know you’re there for her.7. They Have Multiple Orgasms
If you didn’t already know that, let us tell you it is true. Women do have the ability to orgasm multiple times within a matter of minutes. Therefore, aid and abet it! Trust her to be patient with you as well and wait a while before you get things going. Any woman whose body is treated respectfully and with as much attention as your own, will always return the favour.In the end, we are sure you know all the basics. The golden rule is simple for both sexes: respect the opposite sex as well as their body. If there is something you do not understand, make sure you try and learn about it rather than make jokes. Understanding is sexy! Ignorance is so passé.
(H/T YourTango)
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