I was molested not raped, EME's first lady Niyola Speaks out
EME's first lady, Niyola, has disclosed during a recent interview with Sound City, that while growing up, she was molested like ever other teenage girl. According to her , she was molested a lot but she's grateful she was never raped.
“I have been molested quite a number of times. Thankfully, I haven’t been raped. I have been molested by both people I never imagined would molest me...and obviously strangers as well. And it wasn’t once, it wasn’t twice. It wasn’t three times”.On how she managed to get over it :
"What helped me was that I started to try to figure out at that time why anybody would want to do that to me or to any female. I realised it was cowardice. Alot of things could be done to prevent the situations and protect yourself. I remember for a very long time, I would never visit guys. And when I started to live alone when I was in school, you would never come to my room for any reason," she said. Source:kingebuka.com
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