Jordan Axani finally found the Lucky girl for the free World trip
The Canadian man who advertised on Reddit that his looking for any girl named Elizabeth Gallagher (Read here) who he could take on a world trip because he and his girlfriend who he initially booked the air tickets for broke up before they could go on the trip together finally has the lucky girl.
Well, he's found another woman with same name. According to Associated Press, he's finally found his travel mate, a lady named Elizabeth Quinn Gallagher, a 23-year-old student and part-time office administrator from Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia.
"It's strictly a platonic trip. It's going to be great," the man, 28 year old Jordan Axani said.
At first the new Elizabeth Gallagher thought a trip with a stranger whose ex-girlfriend's name is the same as hers was "crazy" but she hit it off with Axani after talking on the phone with him for hours.
"It definitely did seem a little bit creepy at the beginning but now that I talked to him it's less creepy and more awesome," she said.
She already has a boyfriend though.
"This is totally sort of like as friends," she said. "I have a pretty serious boyfriend. We've been together for a while. We're planning on buying a house and we have a puppy, so yeah I'm not really looking for anything at all."
She acknowledged her boyfriend isn't thrilled.
"He understands that I've always wanted to travel so while he's not happy I'm taking off for nearly a month at Christmas with a random guy he's smiling through it," she said.
The trip is scheduled to start Dec. 21 in New York City and continue on to Milan, Prague, Paris, Bangkok and New Delhi before ending in Toronto on Jan. 12. Axani said that after the breakup he deferred all other planning for the trip, such as making hotel reservations.
But since the story became public, Marriott International offered to put him and the new Elizabeth Gallagher up, in separate rooms, during their trip.
Axani said the trip will be documented and shared online.
Source: AP
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