Danish Artist Paints Kim Kardashians ‘Break the internet’ photos With His P.enis
Just when you think you have seen it all something very
unholy pops out of the internet.
We all screamed after Kim Kardashian took her
flesh-flashing to a new level in the Paper magazine for. While her full frontal
nude, she tore the internet to shreds as she intended to when the pictures were
released with the #BreakTheInternet tag. After a while, the internet was pieced
back together, especially after others took the nudity cue and dropped their
own nudes. Meanwhile, somewhere a Danish artist, Uwe Max Jensen was painting Kim's
booty... But, instead of using a brush, the 'cockpainter' using his own penis
The finished work, which India Times calls a 'masturbatory masterpiece’—
measuring roughly 12" by 16" is indeed a masterpiece. Imagine how
many hours it would take get the final piece done. Here are pictures of him as
he did the painting...
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