Picture: Nigerian woman who gave birth to 'white baby'
picture of the Nigerian woman who gave birth to a white baby is still trending
like wild fire online. Though Catherine Howarth is married to a British man she
has beaten odds of a million-to-one by giving birth to a baby who appears to be
of a different race. The baby has a pale skin, green eyes and light brown hair,
Jonah, now three months old has no feature to show he is mixed parentage.
the moment she delivered Jonah in Milton Keynes Hospital on June 1, his mother
told the Sunday Mirror:
children get darker after a few weeks when the skin colour they will have for
life starts to become obvious. But you can see from the colour at the tips of
their ears what that Jonah was fully white.
We have been told I must have been carrying a recessive gene. My parents were from Nigeria and, for as far back as anyone can remember; my family have all been black.’
We have been told I must have been carrying a recessive gene. My parents were from Nigeria and, for as far back as anyone can remember; my family have all been black.’
Richard, 34, who works as a medical recruitment consultant, was equally as
shocked when he first saw his son:
colour of Jonah’s skin is of no concern - Jonah being a healthy and happy baby
is what matters.’
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