Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Linda Ikeji, The biggest blogger in Africa acquires a tear rubber 2014 Range Rover

Now this is an unexpected twist to the event as we are presented with this information on Linda Ikeji’s blog contrary to the reports we dropped over the weekend that Laura Ikeji was set to acquire a car---- here well it seems the window shopping was actually for Linda Ikeji as she announced on her blog a few hours ago that she just acquired a brand new 2014 Range rover…
in my opinion she totally deserves it, as it is not easy to be a blogger in Nigeria with all the bad network and power failure, especially when many people believe you are just a jobless online gossip who just copy paste information from the internet, they easy forget the sleepless nights and research but yet the run to your blog every morning to read up on the latest gist and complain secretly to them self when you do not put out something fresh every time.  

“Yay! My dad finally gave me permission to buy the 2014 Range Rover and I'm beyond happy. I've wanted this car for so long but he was against me buying it. But it's my birthday this Friday and he finally agreed that I could buy it for myself as a birthday present. So he and I went to a car company in Victoria Island yesterday and bought this brand new 2014 Range Rover Sports Supercharged. I bought it for N24million. Yeah, I know! Its a lot of money to spend on a car but I've been wanting this car since it came out...so...lol. But I swear I've been feeling so guilty since I bought it…“ Linda announced on her Blog this morning with joy.

You go Girl! Eight years in the game no be beans we are still looking up to you with just 3months now guess we have a long way to go at TopTrendNaija.lol
Linda went further to advice her female readers as she plans to empower them these few coming weeks with a giveaway campaign 

“Now there's something I want to say to all the young girls reading this. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a man buying you things, but always remember that if you believe in yourselves and your dreams, you work hard and stay focused, there's absolutely nothing you can't buy for yourself. I'm not only buying myself cars that I want, I'm in the process of buying my own house, with my own money.

I made it on my own, in my own way and on my own terms. If anybody ever tells you that the only way you can make it in life is by laying on your back, the person lied to you. You don't have to do that. You shouldn't do that. You are strong, you are brave, you have been blessed with a talent, find yourself, believe in yourself, push yourself...and never give up. No money is sweeter than your own money, trust me. You can do it. Yes, you! You can do it. Just be patient, pay attention and work your butt off.

It's not easy trust me...if you think I had success overnight, you thought wrong. November this year will make it eight years that I've been blogging. Every single day! Before then I was a model, I was a model manager, I was an events planner, I was a columnist, I wrote a book, then I became a blogger. I put my hands in so many things because I was determined to make it in life. Finally one paid off - blogging.

I'm not better than you, if I can make it, so can you! Just never think the only option you have is men. YOU are an option and once you go to God and tell Him what you want to do and He sees that you are serious, He will lead you, He will guide you and He will make all your dreams come true.

Think about it, the people who are successful in life don't have two heads. Why can't you be one of them? You really can be. It's up to you.

Finally, I will soon start my 'I Will Rather Be Self Made' campaign where I will mentor young girls and also help some of you start your own small scale businesses by financing it...so look out for that. I will make an announcement on this soon.”
Check out her old cars “2008 Toyota Camry and 2011 Infinity FX 35”

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